More accolades for Flexible Exports

In addition to taking out the AIE SA Project of the Year Award back in October, our world-leading Flexible Exports program has also received the Innovation and Collaboration award for the energy sector at the Premier's Awards for Mining and Energy.
The Flexible Exports service is the result of years of innovation and engagement with over 6,000 stakeholders, including solar retailers and installers, inverter manufacturers, governments and regulatory bodies, and of course our customers.
Flexible Exports uses hi-tech smarts to allow eligible rooftop solar customers to export up to 10kW per phase while responding dynamically to network constraints in real time.
So far, 84% of eligible connecting customers have taken up the Flexible Exports offer, with many reporting it is bringing their power bills down dramatically. Read more about residential customer Darren’s verdict after using the service for around a year.
Flexible Exports is currently being rolled out progressively through Local Government Areas (LGAs), with City of Mitcham and City of Onkaparinga the latest eligible areas. Use the eligibility checker available on our website to verify if the offer is available at your address.