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Facilities access

The opportunity

Did you know we have customer assets attached to our infrastructure in more than 150,000 locations across South Australia?

Our unique combination of assets span our great state. From the iconic stobie pole, to land, ducts, fibre and telecommunication towers, we've got SA covered. 

We can provide third parties an opportunity to attach their assets to ours in many strategic locations. 

Safety and network reliability are our top priority, so we will work with you to assess each enquiry, ensuring safety, technical and engineering feasibility. We can also provide services that enable safe attachment of your asset to ours.

Helpful information

What we offer:

  • Access to a wide variety of infrastructure sites throughout metropolitan areas and rural areas
  • Provision of support services, such as design
  • Reduced timeframe of Make Ready Work
  • Dedicated key contact
  • Guaranteed turnaround times for access and enquiries
  • Information being readily available in one location
  • Dealing direct with one asset owner

Our process:

Facilities access process


Third party companies with a registered ABN and Government may apply for access to SA Power Networks infrastructure.

Commercial signage

SA Power Networks does not allow attachment of commercial signage to our infrastructure. 

Electoral signage on Stobie poles and other infrastructure

Election signs must comply with requirements set out in a number of legislative instruments, including but not limited to, the Electoral Act 1985 and the Local Government Act 1999, council requirements and the requirements in NICC 210. Subject to compliance with these, electoral signage is permitted for State, Commonwealth and Local Government elections.

If a candidate chooses to attach signage to SA Power Networks infrastructure, the candidate agrees to indemnify SA Power Networks against any costs and losses it incurs relating to the placement of the election materials on the columns. Access the Election Material Indemnity Form.

More information

Further information can be found in our Network Information for Contractors and Customers (NICC) document, NICC 210 - Signage Banners and Temporary Equipment on SA Power Networks Assets. It includes information about which signs can be placed on Stobie poles owned by SA Power Networks.

Election Material Indemnity Form

SA Power Networks owns and operates many facilities across South Australia that are suitable for third parties to make use of, including Stobie poles, light poles, communications towers, optic fibre, sub stations, buildings and real estate.

An agreement between both parties that defines the access and commercial terms and conditions for your asset.

Costs are dependant on the type of equipment and location. We have straightforward pricing available.

Customer owned assets can generally be installed after completion of a Facilities Access Agreement. A Site Licence for the individual site will be issued to ensure that the site is accessible.

Depending on the type of asset to be installed, the asset may be installed by SA Power Networks, your own company technicians, or by a suitably accredited contractor.

Depending on its location, you may generally have access to your asset 24/7.

SA Power Networks is committed to ensuring the safety of the community and our employees. It is important that we ensure the suitable integration of third party assets on our infrastructure.

For further information or to ask a specific question, please contact our Facilities Access Contracts Manager at or call (08) 8404 5399.

Our distribution network spans the majority of South Australia's populated areas ranging from the far west coast of Eyre Peninsula, north to Leigh Creek and south east to the Victorian border.