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Customer and stakeholder engagement

We engage with a broad and diverse range of stakeholders across the State and are committed to improving the way in which we engage with these groups to ensure the customer voice is heard and considered in our decision-making. By working together, we can better understand the needs of our customers and deliver services they value, while helping to build trust and meet customer expectations. 

SA Power Networks' consultative group structure

Ensuring our customers are at the heart of our business starts with good engagement and listening to our customers.  

SA Networks has a consultative group model, comprising of a Community Advisory Forum (CAF) and a number of specialised Advisory Groups. This model provides a forum where SA Power Networks can engage with our customer representatives and external stakeholders, to ensure customer views shape our service delivery and decision-making. 

All advisory groups report to the CAF, providing recommendations for noting or action, and the CAF will directly report to SA Power Networks executive leadership team. 

The key objectives of the CAF are to: 

  • Be the key interface between SA Power Networks and the Advisory Groups 
  • Ensure effective communication between the CAF and Advisory Groups and back 
  • Be accountable for the ‘consumer outcomes’ in each of the four themes 
  • Consider the key insights and emerging issues arising from the advisory groups 
  • Strengthen links to SA Power Networks leadership 
  • Review the consultative group structure and effectiveness of the groups. 

The Community Advisory Forum comprises the following members: 

  • Dr Andrew Nance - Independent Chair 
  • The Chairs of all the Advisory Groups 
  • Chris Marsden, Chair Reset Advisory Group 
  • Davis Veremu, Chair Asset Condition and Risk Advisory Group 
  • Mike Leane, Chair Regional and Remote Customers Advisory Group 
  • Kym Syrus, Chair Vegetation Management Advisory Group 
  • Troy Smith, Chair Connections Advisory Group 
  • Member TBC, Community Energy Resources Integrated Advisory Group 
  • Heather Merran, Tariffs Advisory Group 
  • Georgina Morris, Vulnerable Customers Advisory Group 
  • 2 additional members from the Reset Advisory Group – Jude Chatfield and 1 x TBC 
  • 2 independent community members - Lachlan Newman and Dominic O’Leary 

The new structure is outlined below:

Customer Advisory Forum structure 2024

For more information on our Board and what they do, visit Talking Power.


Our advisory groups 

A number of Advisory Groups provide a forum to enable the views of a diverse range of customers to be represented, discussed and heard and ensure customer views  shape SA Power Networks decision-making. 

These groups, which you can see in more detail below, help us build stronger relationships with key stakeholders and enable meaningful discussions on a more regular basis. 

SA Power Networks' Vulnerable Customers Advisory Group (VCAG) meets 3-4 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on customers experiencing vulnerability. 

The VCAG represents a diverse range of customer views which are discussed, considered and used to shape SA Power Networks' decision-making in an ongoing way. 

Membership of the VCAG includes representation from the following backgrounds and organisations: 

  • SA Council of Social Service (SACOSS)
  • SA Financial Counsellors Association 
  • National Council for Women 
  • Multicultural Communities Council of SA 
  • Uniting SA
  • Uniting Communities
  • NSW Ethnic Communities
  • Community representatives from backgrounds including disability, NDIS reform, first nations and other (as identified by the group)


SA Power Networks' Reset Advisory Group (RAG) meets 4 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on customer and community engagement to support the development of SA Power Networks Regulatory Proposal. 

The RAG represents a diverse range of customer and stakeholder views which are discussed, considered and used to shape SA Power Networks' decision-making processes. 

The key objective of the Reset Advisory Group is to: 

  • Provide a forum for meaningful and ongoing engagement on service levels and expenditure during the Regulatory Control Period 
  • Facilitate ongoing discussion on key regulatory topics eg. Incentive schemes, Rate of Return, and other regulatory reviews 
  • Undertake early co-design of our Reset engagement program 

Membership of the RAG includes representation from the following backgrounds and organisations: 

  • Independent members 
  • South Australian Council of Social Services (SACOSS) 
  • Consumer advocates 
  • Business representatives 

SA Power Networks' Tariff Advisory Group (TAG) meets 3 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on the structure and design of network tariffs. 

The TAG represents a diverse range of customer views which are discussed, considered and used to shape SA Power Networks' decision-making processes. 

The Tariff Advisory Group (TAG) has been established to: 

  • Provide a forum that enables representative groups of South Australian businesses and residents to engage with SA Power Networks to explore the structure and design of network tariffs. 
  • Establish a forum for listening, discussion and collaborative engagement with customers and stakeholders regarding network tariffs. 
  • Discuss the progress and implementation of our 2020-25 Tariff Structure Statement. 
  • Engage to develop our 2025-2030 Tariff Structure Statement. 
  • Build understanding and trust between stakeholders and SA Power Networks. 

The Tariff Working Group has two distinct areas of focus - business tariffs and residential tariffs. The group consists of representatives from the following organisations: 

  • Electricity and Water Ombudsman SA 
  • Department of Energy and Mining 
  • SA Business Chamber 
  • AGL 
  • AIG 
  • Central Irrigation Trust 
  • SA Wine Industry Association 
  • Small Business Commissioner 
  • Local Government Association 
  • Yes Group 
  • Central Irrigation Trust 
  • Sustainable Savings 

SA Power Networks' Connections Advisory Group (CAG) meets 3 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on our connections process for both residents and business. 

The Connections Advisory Group (CAG) aims to improve customer experience in the connections process and provides a forum for customer views to be heard, considered and discussed. The group enables clear, transparent and consistent communication between SA Power Networks and industry, supporting continuous improvement of the connections processes. 

The group consists of representatives from: 

  • Master Electricians Australia 
  • The Energy Project 
  • NECA 
  • Plus ES 
  • Tandem Energy 
  • Sol Energy 
  • RAA 
  • Tip Top Electrical 
  • Hoile Electrical 
  • Yates Group 
  • Department of Energy and Mining 
  • Intellihub 
  • Enel X 
  • HIA 

SA Power Networks shares how they are contributing to a cool, greener city and state while maintaining a focus on safety, reliability, and sustainability. 

The reliability of South Australia’s distribution network is crucial to the business, economic and environmental sustainability of our state. Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own and the key objectives of the Vegetation Management Advisory Group keep this front of mind. They include: 

  • Investigate initiatives to improve the management of vegetation around powerlines 
  • Review our long-term Vegetation Management Strategy 
  • Educate and raise awareness of appropriate species selection for planting near electrical infrastructure 
  • Explore opportunities for partnerships in programs or initiatives including those concerned with greening or urban canopy improvement 

We have a legislated responsibility to ensure a compliant, safe, and reliable network which requires a comprehensive Vegetation Management Program. We also need to keep our costs as low as possible to reduce the impact on current cost of living pressures for energy consumers in South Australia. 

That’s why we are actively engaging with our stakeholders to improve our processes and investigate ways to reduce the impact of climate change. We are committed to ensuring South Australia and Adelaide remain beautiful places to live by contributing to a greener, cooler, more resilient green canopy. 

SA Power Networks' Regional and Remote Advisory Group (RRAG) meets 3 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on Regional and Remote customers, infrastructure and reliability. 

The extensive area serviced by our network means that 70% of our infrastructure, delivers energy to 30% of customers (regional and Remote). 

The RRAG represents a diverse range of customer views which are discussed, considered and used to shape SA Power Networks' decision-making processes. 

The key objective of this Advisory Group is to discuss specific challenges impacting our regional customers and engage with regional and remote customers to ensure the voice of these customers is heard. 

Membership of the RRAG includes representation from the following backgrounds and organisations: 

  • Local Government representatives. 
  • Regional and remote customers, particularly focusing on our worst served customers. 
  • Community representatives with experience in regional and remote area supply. 

Key SA Power Networks staff with a focus on reliability, regional operations and emergency response.


Asset Condition and Risk Advisory Group  

SA Power Networks' Asset Condition and Risk Advisory Group (ACRAG) meets 3 times a year to provide a forum for listening and discussion on issues facing our community, with a focus on customers experiencing vulnerability. 

The Asset Condition and Risk Advisory Group has been established to provide a forum to understand the issues associated with network assets and provide customer feedback on future investment and long-term sustainability. In addition, the group will ensure a strong understanding of customer and stakeholder needs is fed into our asset management objectives that drive action for the business. 

The ACRAG represents a diverse range of customer views which are discussed, considered and used to shape SA Power Networks' decision-making processes. 

Membership will include representatives with experience in: 

  • Regional customer/ knowledge of regional needs 
  • Asset management 
  • Community representatives 


Customer engagement requirements

The Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS) Customer Engagement Requirements document describes the process SA Power Networks will undertake in relation to customer and stakeholder engagement before initiating any distributor-led SAPS installation.


Read our 2023 Energy Charter Disclosure Report