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Notification of works

Grenadier Road, Elizabeth East

September – November 2023

What we’re doing

We are undertaking a critical project to replace the high voltage underground cable along Grenadier Road in Elizabeth East, (including a short section located along Ballard Street from Grenadier Road, East to the Council reserve).

This work will improve power reliability for both you and the local community, including the installation of equipment designed to reduce the duration of power outages and to minimise the number of customers affected by extended power outages.

How this affects you

The majority of work will take place between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, with the possibility of some work on weekends.

We expect the civil work phase to commence in early-September, lasting approximately four weeks, followed by the cable installation. We anticipate all work should be finished by the end of November 2023.

During construction, off-street parking may be impacted, and access to driveways may be blocked temporarily in our work zones. If this affects you and your property, our team will contact you directly. For everyone’s safety, we will have traffic management in place.

The cables will be installed under the public road on Grenadier Road and in the council verge on Ballard Steet. Our teams will reinstate road work areas daily to ensure continued access to the street and properties when we are not on-site.

Indicative map of works

An indicative map of works in Grenadier Road Elizabeth East

Power outages

Some customers will experience power outages during this work. If your property will be affected, we will send a card, or send SMS/emails to subscribed customers, typically two weeks before the planned outage.

If you do not already receive free SMS/email updates about your power, you can sign up to receive free outage alerts, or call us for assistance. You need the National Meter Identifier (NMI) from your electricity bill to subscribe.


There may be some noise, dust and vibration associated with the work from excavation equipment and other heavy vehicles, however our crews will reduce disruption as much as possible.

Thank you

Thank you in advance for your patience during this important work. We apologise for any inconvenience you may experience.

Further information

If you have any questions about our work, please contact Kate in our customer communications team during business hours via phone 08 7326 2924 or email,

  • General Enquires: 13 12 61
  • Interpreter service: 13 14 50        
  • Postal address: GPO Box 77, Adelaide SA 5001