New form for large embedded generation
A new online application process has been introduced for connecting to our network 31-200kW large embedded generation systems.
Following feedback from the industry, which reported that the process to apply for ‘a greater than 30kW but no greater than 200kW' embedded generator connection was complex and time consuming, we have streamlined the application process.
After engaging with a selection of solar installers to determine the key issues with the application process, we developed a new online application form, which went live on Monday 25 May.
This online form replaced the existing pdf form. Supporting attachments and the applicant’s approval for the offer fee to be raised are also completed at the same time.
The new online form is then be submitted to our Connection Central Team via an automated email to with a copy sent to the applicant. The offer fee for the analysis will be sent out shortly after and once in receipt of payment SA Power Networks commence engineering analysis on the application.
The change to the process was communicated to the industry via a newsletter last week. The new online form and early invoicing will significantly reduce time in processing applications.
For any queries around this change please contact our Connection Central Team via email as per above.